Friday, October 3, 2014

Assassin Character Sculpt - Zbrush - 2012

This is an assassin character sculpt I did as a final project in the Modeling II course at Richland College. I must have spent 200+ hours on this sculpt, a lot of that time was spent on the clothes (specifically the collar on the neck and the collar on the boots >.<) After working on this sculpt, I came to really appreciate the setup of a proper sub-division workflow in Zbrush, as I didn't set it up when I started so my poor computer was struggling the whole way through with just a few levels of very high sub levels. 

I'd like to thank Rupid79* for the concept art of this character which he owns all the rights too.
*(link to CG Hub permanently broken)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Male Sculpting Study - Zbrush - 2012

This is my first full human body sculpt that I did for my old Modeling II class. This was extremely challenging for me, as I had barely even drawn full bodies before. Looking back I wish I had spent more time drawing in 2D before heading into the 3D realm but whatever I lacked in preparation I made up for in sheer effort and hundreds of hours. I think this project took me around 100 hours or so to complete over around a 2 month span.

Water Ocean Material - UDK - 2012

I made this water material in UDK following a tutorial from (looks much better when moving). It took me a while since this was my first heavy duty shader I ever built but I learned a massive amount from it, including basic concepts behind shaders themselves.

3-Point Defense - UDK - 2012

This is a 3-point defense level that I made for a level design course in which the aggressor team (Red) is charged to overtake the defending team's (Blue) base and destroy the power unit. 
Infiltrate - The first stage Red must hit 3 buttons located around the outside area within 15 seconds from each other in order to open the first gate into the barrier control room.

Barrier Grid - The room that opens after the base is Infiltrated is essentially a "Tug of War" area between the two teams. Whenever any player is in the room, it starts filling a bar towards that player's team but if an enemy is in the room, it cancels that player out. Naturally, players must kill each other and gain control of the room in the favor in order to advance forward or backward a step.

Power Unit - The final area in which Red team must destroy Blue team's Power Unit/Core. The core has a lot of health so it will take some serious fire power to take out, giving the Blue team a chance to push Red back long enough to survive.

Blob Arena Concept Art

This is a fun little game concept that I came up with years ago where little cute blobs run into each other. When they dash and collide they drop little bits of themselves and become smaller. You can also pick up items and throw them at your enemies to make them drop their blob bits. I'm still quite fond of this idea but don't see any good opportunities to pursue it.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Spring 2012 - Grue

Grue title screen
This is a game that I worked on in my first Project Development class back in Spring 2012 at Richland College. The main concept was that you were supposed to take this ball-shaped lantern down into a large open cave/temple system as some sort of offering to complete an important life threatening ritual and if you went too far away from the lantern's light, you began to get hurt (potentially dying).

I was in charge of concepts (I didn't know how to do anything else at the time) and super basic menu design. Above you can see the title screen of the game.

This also was the moment that I knew this is what I wanted to do for a living. I had never had so much fun "working" on anything before in my life. I loved the people, the work, and just the whole overall environment. It was just awesome, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. 
It never ended up getting finished for various reasons *cough* level designers *cough* <_< But I still enjoyed working on it and I had a great time. 
Here's some music for the game :D (by Ben Guthrie) - MUSIC
^not sure if he's related to Jim Guthrie or not... how exciting! 

Fall 2012 - First Modeling Projects

This is my first 3d scene ever, like in Fall 2012 :D I was really proud at the time, and I learned tons since then.

This was my first modeling project. I think the model itself turned out pretty well :) But the texturing is bad :( I won't upload it, but I learned alot about Normal mapping with this project, mainly because I did everything wrong that I possibly could've done, lol.

Animatic - Squire's Tale - 2011

Squire's Tale - Animatic

I made this my first semester at Richland College for Storyboarding class. It really pushed me outside of my comfort zone but, because of that, I grew a lot in my art (even though it's bad) and ended up with one of the best animatics of the class :] Click the link to watch it on YouTube, and try not to bash it too much please :P

Neliel Tu Oderschvank - Birthday Gift

Nel Tu Odershvank from Bleach. Made this for my girlfriend as a birthday present, who, by the way, was very pleased with her gift :)

Thursday, January 30, 2014


These are some sketches from my sketch book. When I took these pictures with my camera, I got some pretty sweet natural lighting effects which I pushed a little bit in Photoshop with the top 2 pics above.  (the portrait on the right is supposed to be Robert De Niro, but I didn't do a good enough job for people to be able to tell that :/ oh well, next time)

Woman Practice

This one is just an old practice of mine. Maybe one day I won't get distracted and I'll actually finish it.

This is how the line work turned out.
I'll spare you from the god-awful first sketch that it started off as... 
(proportions were atrocious) 

Mystic Flame Concept

This is a concept that I made for a friend of mine. It's my first legitimate commissioned piece of art (no money though).

What you actually see to the left here is actually how it turned out after I came back to it 30 days later to fix background on it.

In the smaller picture, you can see the steps that I took in making it (as well as how bad the second to last one is <_< )

I learned a lot working on this piece, and my friend was really happy with how it turned out :)